A one-stop turnkey solution in the medical field, formulated for the specific purpose of providing consultancy services in respect of medical facilities design, engineering and its appendices.
SOA schedules of accommodation – based upon the available departmental program, to determine those rooms necessary to complete all departments, the quantity of each type of room and the associated area requirements.
SPR schedule primary rooms – these rooms to form the basis of design for associated identical or typical rooms.
PAD preliminary architectural design – to work closely with our associated architectural group, to apply the SOA in development of departmental configuration, interrelationships, and critical flow paths for patients, visitors, staff and materials.
REP reporting – review and reporting of designs ongoing In-house and/or designs received from outside groups, highlighting standards deficiencies according to international standards.
AFB architectural feedback – to coordinate with architectural groups to review areas of the design where it is deemed space allocation should be reduced or increased in order to accommodate those items of medical equipment and furniture as designated by the medical equipment package.
MEL medical equipment layout designs – the development of medical equipment, medical furniture and general furniture design configuration within the various rooms, allowing for patient and staff circulation, in concert with clean and dirty material flow paths.
WEP wall elevations – a semi-automatic generation of rooms individual plan and elevation views, showing items of equipment and furniture, and indicating their respective mechanical and electrical services coordinates, allowing ease of services implementation on site.
(Note: these WEP to be read in conjunction with the appropriate room’s mechanical and electrical services loading listings).
BQF bills of quantity floor – an automatically generated listing indicating those quantities of medical equipment, medical furniture, general furniture and necessary items of instrumentation and accessories as included on any floor.
BQT bills of quantity total – an automatically generated listing indicating those quantities of medical equipment, medical furniture, general furniture and necessary items of instrumentation and accessories for the complex as a whole.
RBR room by room – an automatically generated listing of medical equipment, medical furniture, general furniture, and items of instrumentation and accessories, with relevant quantities of each tabulated on a room by room basis.
DST distribution – an automatically generated listing on an item by item basis, and their distribution throughout the facility as a whole, indicating floor level and associated room numbers.
BQW bills of quantity technical floor – an automatically generated listing, on a floor by floor basis, indicating all items of equipment and furniture requiring a connection to either a mechanical and/or an electrical services source, complete with total quantities of those items, and their associated table indicative of the appropriate services requirements.
RRE room by room electrical – an automatically generated listing on a room by room basis indicating those items of medical equipment and furniture requiring a connection to an electrical service source, complete with table of the desired requirements.
RRM room by room mechanical – an automatically generated listing on a room by room basis indicating those items of medical equipment and furniture requiring a connection to a mechanical service source, complete with table of the desired requirements.
SPC medical specifications – specifications to be generated to provide concise and unbiased information describing necessary functions and parameters, incorporating local and international databases, considering standardization and inter-communication between devices, considering quality assurance certificates, allowing for start-up kits, accessories and spare parts, with importance given to after-sales servicing.
QUS quotation sourcing – to assist the contractor and/or client in sourcing relevant suppliers and associated manufacturers and model numbers for the equipment package.
QUA quotation analysis – to assist the contractor and/or client in the detailed analysis and evaluation of the various tender quotations, from both a financial and technical point of view.
SSR on-site services review – during the construction phase, to perform periodic on-site services review, to ensure that the provision of the mechanical and electrical services be continuously controlled on a on-going basis in an effort to reduce the amount of re-does at the equipment installation phase to a minimum.
ERD equipment receipt and dispersal – during the equipment receipt and dispersal phase, it is desirable that equipment arrives at site in an ordered schedule, determined at the time of purchasing, thereby reducing need for large storage facilities and facilitating the provision for security.
INS installation – supervision during the installation phase and to provide personnel familiar with the layout of the buildings and the equipment package, where specific items of equipment are stored, where items AE to be installed, to organize additional labor when required, to assist the installation teams during their works.
CHO commissioning and handover – supervision to ensure that the installed equipment performs as per specified, to control that all start-up materials necessary for the commissioning of the particular items are readily available to the teams, to be present when the commissioning team operates each item of equipment and tests it’s functional operation, to contact with the client to accept official handover of the equipment package.
Our combined expertise expands across turnkey hospital projects in Europe, to the Middle East, to Africa, to the Republic of Turkey and to the CIS States. At present our experience ranges to over a total of 10,000 hospital beds.
This exposure, across the board, grants us an overall understanding of the steps necessary in a hospital project, from its initial conception through to design, commissioning and handing-over of the facility as a working system to the client.
Because these experiences have been particularly diversified, and because we have been involved personally at each stage, we have gained a broader understanding and an insight into the extent of the problems facing both contractors and their subcontractors on the one hand, and medical equipment suppliers and their representatives on the other.
To resolve these problems our works strategies are well organized, structured and efficient. Having successfully completed many hospital projects in several different countries and with varying cultures involved, we have at our disposal a vast treasure of databases relating to medical equipment and furniture configurations, listings, models and manufacturers, and associated pricing structures for immediate project application.
Our works strategy is well organized, structured and efficient. Having completed many hospital projects in several different countries and with varying cultures, we have at our disposal a vast treasure of databases relating to medical equipment and furniture configurations, listings, models and manufacturers, and associated pricing structures for immediate project application.
Our superiority to this effect, over 30 years in this field, we have developed our specialized in-house ADC automatic design concept.
The ADC utilizes a database for medical equipment, medical furniture, general equipment, general furniture, instrumentation and accessories, with associated coding and description parameters.
The ADC also incorporates a database of entities, ACAD blocks in plan, elevation and side views, to scale and representative of latest equipment and furniture items.
The ADC comprises specific patch programs written within the basic ACAD program, to facilitate increased productivity and multi-functional results, as follows:
– preparation of the MEL medical equipment layout, utilizing equipment and furniture entities from our standard room database we can rapidly prepare space planning on a floor by floor basis.
– Exporting these Entities from ACAD to the databases, we can then automatically Generate listings, namely:
(i). BQF bills of quantity floor of medical equipment, medical furniture and general furniture on a floor by floor basis.
(ii). BQT bills of quantity total of medical equipment, medical furniture and general furniture for the facility as a whole.
(iii). BQW bills of quantity technical of medical equipment and medical furniture services requirements on a floor by floor basis.
(iv). RBR room by rooms listings of medical equipment, medical furniture and general furniture on a room by room basis.
(v). RRE room by room electrical listings for those items of medical equipment and medical furniture requiring a connection to an electrical source.
(vi). RRM room by room mechanical listing for those items of medical equipment and medical furniture requiring a connection to a mechanical source.
(vii). DST distribution listing on an item by item basis, indicative of floor level and room number.
– by creating a polyline of a room’s wall configuration, and by selecting this Polyline and the room’s attribute room number, this results in the automatic creation of a new drawing, saved automatically according to the room Number, and showing the original plan view from the MEL, along with the individual wall elevation views for this room.
– Additional manual manipulation results in the placement of doors, windows, columns and openings in walls as required. Manual selection of the entities and their associated walls, results in the automatic insertion of equipment and furniture items in elevation and side views.
– Selection of the mechanical and/or electrical services icon requirements from a pull-down menu, and the further selection of an appropriate wall for such services, results in the automatic placement of said service on the appropriate wall with automatic dimensioning and height indicator, and service description .
– in addition, the selected mechanical and electrical service icons are indicated in both plan and elevation views.
This is our dedicated executive team who work with our team day-in and day-out together to bring
our clients the most amazing projects for a digitally connected world.